As our readers already know, the last issue of SAN was a bilingual issue, both in Serbian and in English. After surveying our readers, as well as analyzing the financial sustainability of such a project, the management of the magazine has decided to contin-ue with this hybrid format, with content predominantly in Serbian and a certain number of articles translated into English, mostly those that are of interest to our younger readership.
Editor's Note
Позивам све читаоце и симпатизере САН-а да се одазову краткој анкети коју ћемо ускоро послати. Ваше мишљење и сугестије ће нам значити како би часопис наставио да се развија у жељеном смеру.
У Торонту, марта 2019.
Весна Недић
With the development of technology in the last several years, print editions of newspapers, magazines, books, and other print media are going through a crisis. Nowadays, news and reports are mostly read online, but many still believe—and I am one of them—that the rustle of paper beneath your fingers as you read a newspaper will not die out.
It has already been two years since SAN first appeared on newsstands. In the meantime, in the greater Toronto area, everyone who speaks Serbian has heard of SAN and at least leafed through its paged. We even got correspondents from Alberta, Quebec, and the United States!
We recently conducted a survey among our SAN readers with the question, “What do you miss most in Canada?” There were some very interesting and diverse answers.
I was also one of the many who visited Serbia this summer. Whenever I go to Serbia from Canada, I am always fascinated by the extraordinary feeling of traveling through time.